Employment & HR

Due to the These are links to sites we find most helpful








Employment terms & conditions

These are links to sites we find most helpful

Link   Description
FW Omb Employment regulations - overview An overview of regulations and includes a useful reference guide (Fair Work Handbook) that summaries the employers responsibilities under the Fair Work Act 2009, the National Employment Standards, awards, enterprise agreements and other registered agreements.
FW Omb Record-keeping requirements Page includes the mandatory records and links to record-keeping templates
FW Omb Employment templates Almost all the templates you will need from advertising a job, offer of employment, payslips, employment history, performance reviews, altered hours and termination
FW Omb Best practice guides A complete range of best practice guide including Small Business and the Fair Work Act, Workplace Privacy, Dispute Resolution, and Managing Under-performance
FW Omb Fact Sheets These cover minimum rights, responsibilities and entitlements under Australian workplace laws, as well as information about Fair Work
FW Omb Tool - Pay (wage) Calculator (before tax) Calculates the before tax wage
FW Omb NES - Notice of termination & redundancy pay Notice of termination and redundancy pay forms part of the National Employment Standards (NES). As of 1 January 2010, the NES apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system, regardless of the applicable industrial instrument or contract of employment
FW Omb

Link Title Description
FW Omb Overview The NES are set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 and comprise 10 minimum standards of employment. They apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system (however only certain entitlements apply to casual employees).
FW Omb Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement must be provided by employers to all new employees, and contains information about the NES, modern awards, agreement-making, the right to freedom of association, termination of employment, individual flexibility arrangements, union rights of entry, transfer of business, and the respective roles of the Fair Work Commission and the Fair Work Ombudsman
FW Omb Hours - Maximum weekly hours of work 38 hours per week, plus reasonable additional hours
FW Omb Hours - Requests for flexible working arrangements an entitlement allowing employees in certain circumstances as set out in the Fair Work Act 2009 to request a change in their working arrangements because of those circumstances
FW Omb Leave - Annual leave four weeks paid leave per year, plus an additional week for certain shift workers. Can be sold
FW Omb Leave -Personal/carer’s and compassionate leave 10 days paid personal/carer’s leave, two days unpaid carer’s leave as required, and two days compassionate leave (unpaid for casuals) as required
FW Omb Leave - Community service leave unpaid leave for voluntary emergency activities and leave for jury service, with an entitlement to be paid for up to 10 days for jury service
FW Omb Leave - Long service leave a transitional entitlement for employees as outlined in an applicable pre modernised award, pending the development of a uniform national long service leave standard
FW Omb Leave - Parental and related leave The NES establish minimum entitlements to unpaid parental leave and related entitlements, which apply to all employees in Australia. Parental leave provisions include birth-related leave and adoption-related leave, and also recognise same sex de facto relationships.
FW Omb Public holidays a paid day off on a public holiday, except where reasonably requested to work
FW Omb Ending Employment - Overview The relevant Commonwealth workplace laws set out specific rules and protections relating to the termination of an employment relationship. These rules establish whether the termination of the employment was unlawful or unfair, the entitlements an employee may be owed at the end of their employment, and the requirements for dismissing an employee due to redundancy
FW Omb Ending Employment - Notice of termination and redundancy pay up to five weeks notice of termination and up to 16 weeks severance pay on redundancy, both based on length of service
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Overview A minimum wage is an employee’s base rate of pay for ordinary hours worked, and is generally dependent on the applicable Modern Award, enterprise agreement, national minimum wage order
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Overview - current rate Information on the minimum wage and current rate
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Unpaid work In certain circumstances unpaid work is permitted and is often industry specific
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Unpaid work - Student placement / internships Some unpaid work arrangements are lawful and others are not. Depending on the nature of the arrangement, the person doing the work may be an employee and be entitled to be paid the legal minimum rate of pay for the type of work they're doing, along with other minimum employment entitlements
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Modern Awards Modern awards apply to all employees covered by the national workplace relations system. Modern awards are industry or occupation-based, and apply to employers and employees who perform work covered by the award.
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Modern awards Information on awards and agreement and how they apply
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Modern award rates Links to award pay guides
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Junior pay rates A junior is an employee under 21 years of age. Juniors get paid a percentage of the relevant adult pay rate unless the award, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement doesn't have junior rates, or they have completed an apprenticeship and are trade qualified.
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Apprentices and trainees Apprentices and trainees are employees who have a formal training contract with their employer. Special rates and conditions apply to these employees
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Piece rates & commission payments Employees paid piece rates and commission payments are paid by results instead of getting an hourly or weekly pay rate. This means the amount the employee earns each week will vary depending on how much work they do.
FW Omb Minimum Wage - Salary payments The requirements that need to be met when agreeing to an annualised salary can be outlined in an award, employment contract, enterprise agreement or other registered agreement. An annual salary can't be less than the minimum entitlements an employee is entitled to under the award or registered agreement that applies and the National Employment Standards.
FW Omb
FW Omb

Link Title Description
">FW Omb Calculator - Pay Before Tax The Pay Calculator calculates base pay rates, allowances and penalty rates (including overtime). It's the tool Fair Work Infoline advisers use to answer your enquiries. If your registered agreement has more generous notice and redundancy entitlements than the NES, you shouldn't use this calculator.
FW Omb Calculator - Leave Entitlements You can use the Leave Calculator to find out how much annual or sick / carer's leave has accumulated under your award or under the National Employment Standards (NES). If your registered agreement has more generous leave entitlements than the NES, you shouldn't use this calculator.
FW Omb Calculator - Notice and Redundancy Entitlements You can find out how much notice and redundancy pay is required under your award or under the National Employment Standards (NES). If your registered agreement has more generous notice and redundancy entitlements than the NES, you shouldn't use this calculator.
FW Omb Templates You can download Fair Work templates to help you on a wide range of topics including payslips, hours of work, job description, letter of engagement and letter of termination
FW Omb Guide - Employee Best Practice Guides Fair Work's best practice guides to help small businesses and employees with a range of workplace issues. By adopting best practice initiatives, employers and employees can achieve happier, fairer and more productive workplaces. These guides are also very helpful
ATO Tool - Employee or Contractor Decision You can use the Employee/contractor decision tool to work out if your worker is an employee or contractor for tax and super purposes - but also Fair Work and National Employment Standards issues
ATO Calculator - Pay / PAYG Tax withheld If you are an employer or another withholding payer, the tax withheld calculator helps you work out the tax you need to withhold from payments you make to employees and other workers
ATO Form NAT 8676 - Superannuation fund nomination form Form to nominate a superannuation fund or retirement savings account (RSA) to receive the superannuation entitlements
ATO Calculator - PAYG Withholding Tax Tables Links to the full range of ATO tax withholding tables relating to employee payments
Networking Victoria - link to Work Safe Victoria Forms - Injury and Claims Guide & Forms Step-by-step procedures, including links to appropriate forms for both employees and employers
ATO Form NAT 3092 - Tax file number declaration To be completed by the employee / labour-for-hire / director before they receive any payment
ATO Form NAT 1432 - Tax file number – application or inquiry for individuals Application of a tax file number or inquiry for an individual (ie non business)
ATO Form NAT 3093 - Withholding declaration To be completed if an amendment is to be made to the amount of PAYG withheld from an individual

ATO Calculator - Superannuation Guarantee (SG) contributions Employers can use the calculator tool to calculate SG contributions. Using the drop-down box on the first screen, you can select to apply the minimum SG rate or increase the rate based on the arrangement you have with your employees
ATO Tool - Superannuation, How Much to Pay Currently the SG is 9.5% of the individual employee's ordinary time earnings (OTE) OTE is usually the amount your employee earns for their ordinary hours of work. It includes things like commissions, shift loadings and allowances, but not overtime payments
ATO Tool - Superannuation, Working out if you have to pay Generally, if you pay an employee $450 or more (before tax) in a calendar month, you have to pay super guarantee (SG) on top of their wages but this is not always the case
ATO Guide - Guide for employees and self-employed - reportable superannuation contributions Information about reportable super contributions and how they apply to the income tests for some tax offsets, the Medicare levy surcharge, and other government benefits and obligations.
ATO Forms - PAYG Withholding Annual reporting At the end of each financial year you must lodge a PAYG withholding annual report. You may have to lodge more than one report type.
ATO Form - Annual Taxable payments reporting – building and construction industry Info and link to form. This form must be completed and submitted by all employers within the building and construction industries

Link Title Description
FW-Com Employees rights and protections - an overview Links to info on employee rights and protections, and remedies to adverse actions
FW Omb Employee or Contractor There are a number of factors which may contribute to determining the difference between an employee and an independent contractor. Many contractors are actually employees and covered by National Employment Standards
FW Omb Employment conditions during natural disasters and emergencies An employee may have entitlements under their award or agreement that are relevant when an employee is unable to attend work due to an emergency or natural disaster. If no such entitlement exists, this Guide will assist in determining the options available to employers and employees depending on their circumstances
FW Omb Defence reservists – rights & responsibilities at work Reservists are protected in their civilian workplace from discrimination, disadvantage or dismissal for reasons associated with their Defence service. Breaching this protection is a criminal offence
ATO Pay Slip - Your entitlement Your employer may pay your wages to you (after deducting tax) in cash rather than to a bank account. Paying wages in cash is legitimate and may be more convenient for you. Some businesses, however, may offer some or all of your wages 'cash-in-hand'. This is a term usually associated with a business deliberately using cash transactions to hide their income to avoid paying tax, or to avoid meeting tax, super or other responsibilities for their employees.