OHS & Risk Management

Links to OHS & Risk Management Sites

OH&S laws mandate the management of risks (hazzards) that may cause injury to employees, the general public and the environment. Risk management involves the identification of risks in all areas of the business, then plans to manage the risks and/or insure the risk. The following are links we have found to be most useful.
These are links to sites we find most helpful

Occupational / Workplace Health & Safety

OHS matters are often enforced and resolve by State authorities however there is some overlap with Federal WHS issues particularly with regards to bullying and discrimination. In Victoria, WorkSafe (Vic) handle workplace OHS enforcement and advice

  • WorkSafe (Vic): Intoduction to OHS
    Guidance regarding the OHS laws and employers obligations
  • WorkSafe (Vic): Workplace HS representatives
    Introduction and links to HSR sites
  • WorkSafe (Vic): Safety, prevention and licencing
    Guidance regarding workplace safety, accident prevention and work activities which require a licence
  • WorkSafe (Vic):  common workplace hazards
    Booklets advising on the management of common workplace hazards. Enter your type of workplace into the search function to find relevant publications
  • WorkSafe (Vic): Injury reporting and claims
    Guidance for employers and employees on reporting workplace injuries
  • WorkSafe (Vic): Injury rehabilitation
    Guideance of employee rehabilitation, mandatory in most instances of workplace injury
  • WorkSafe (Vic): WorkCover Insurance
    Guidance regarding WorkCover Insurance
  • WorkSafe (Vic): WorkCover Insurance Agents
    WorkSafe (Vic) appointed WorkCover insurance agents


  • Business Victoria: Prepare a risk management plan
    A guide to risk management planning
  • Business Aust - Emerg Management Template
    A government site giving guidance on emergency planning
  • CPA (Aust): Risk management guide for small business
    A very informative guide on the risks commonly faced by Australian small businesses
  • WorkSafe(Vic): Controlling OHS hazzards and risks 
    Intro and links to a step-by-step guide on how to risk manage workplace hazzards and risks 

About our OHS & risk management links
